Categories Javascript
Mastering Javascript console methods
Console object in Javascript provide access to the web browser’s debugging console. This article explains how to use each method in detail.
- console.assert – writes an error message to the console if the assertion is false.
Syntax : console.assert(expression, message)
let x = 10;
console.assert(x<10, 'X is greater or equal to 10');
- console.clear – clears the console.
- console.count – logs the number of times called this method. optionally you can pass a label to count specific method.
- console.debug – outputs a message to the web console at the “debug” log level.
Syntax :
console.debug(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN]);
console.debug(msg [, subst1, ..., substN]);
- console.dir – displays an interactive list of the properties of the specified JavaScript object.
let x = {model: 'Audi', color: 'white'};
- console.error – Outputs an error message to the Web Console.
console.error("test is an test error");
- – outputs an informational message to the Web Console."Hello world!");
- console.log – outputs a message to the Web Console. By adding ‘%c’, you can style the output with CSS. Also, if you wrap an object with {}, it will print object name also.
let x = {y: 10};
let z = 'test';
console.log(x, z);
console.log('this is a test');
console.log('%c Hello world', "color: blue; font-size: 24px;");
- console.warn – Outputs a warning message to the Web Console.
- console.table – displays data as a table
var people = [["John", "Smith"], ["Jane", "Doe"], ["Emily", "Jones"]]
- console.timer – Starts a timer.
Syntax : console.time(label);
console.time('my timer');
- console.timerLog – Logs the current value of a timer already running.
Syntax : console.timeLog(label);
console.timeLog('my timer');
- console.timeEnd – Stops the given timer.
console.timeEnd('my timer');
- console.trace – outputs a stack trace to the Web Console.
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