Categories Salesforce
Pattern Matching Strings in Apex (Regex)

This article demonstrates how to use Pattern and Matcher Apex classes in Salesforce.
- How do I extract URLs from HTML content in Salesforce?
Sample HTML –
<title>Test Web Page</title>
<a href="">Google</a>
<a href="">Yahoo!</a>
<a href="">Facebook</a>
Apex Code –
String htmlBody = '<html> <head> <title>Test Web Page</title> </head> <body> <a href="">Google</a> <a href="">Yahoo!</a> <a href="">Facebook</a> </body> </html>';
String myRegex = '(?<=href=").*?(?=")';
Pattern myPattern = compile(myRegex);
Matcher myMatcher = myPattern.matcher(htmlBody);
List<String> urls = new List<String>();
while (myMatcher.find()) {
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